Sunday, March 28, 2010

Double Trouble

How lovely! I was just about to post my appreciation to my newest follower when I noticed I have to give double thanks today. First of all, a big hello to Gerreiro das Emoções. Gerreiro has two poem packed blogs that are both in Portuguese but that are filled with pretty visuals and, as ever, can be translated in a couple of clicks.

Secondly, thank you to Lori! I found her page- The Pixie Knoll- the other day and fell in love with her little creations. Lori makes art dolls and figures of fairies and the like which you can find on her blog along with illustrative stories to accompany them. She also posts pictures of the creative process and I find the images of the WIPs, as she calls them, just as beautiful in their striking simplicity. Here’s a couple of her latest characters:

Gypsy Spirit



The Pixie Knoll said...

Roisin, thank you so much! I am delighted you find these scamps full of wonderful character. And, even more so, that you are sharing them with your friends. I am very happy to meet such a lovely person as yourself on the other side of the pond!


Róisín said...

You’re welcome Pixie! And thank you for bringing the wee scamps into the world. Oh, and it’s lovely to meet you too. Here’s to happy blogging!

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