When they’re all waking up in their stuffy wee tents, on a soggy Donegal beach, with the mother of all hangovers, I’ll be sitting right here sipping tea, fresh as a daisy in my dressing gown and slippers, lapping up all the fairytale delights set to grace the land of blog over the coming days. Before that, however, there are a couple of matters to attend to. The first being my party post for today’s fae gathering!
I had prepared a totally different post for this, to be honest. I’d it all ready to go last night and everything when I had a change of heart literally at the eleventh hour - or to be more precise the twenty third… Anyway, it was late yesterday evening when I decided to abandon my post on fairy fools and other unseelie types for something a bit more light hearted. This is a party after all, lets leave the darker side of fae till another day.
The result of this, though, is that I haven’t had much time to prepare any sort of a coherent post. Instead I’ve just put together a collection of some of my fairy-esque photos and things which (to the best of my recollection) I haven’t shared here before. Hope you like them!
Finally, all of the above I either dug up from old folders or had already uploaded to Flickr but I sat up late last night making these digital collages especially for the party :) Sorry, the little quotes on them are fairly corny but it was very late and, as I pointed out in my last post, my brain goes into shut down mode when I’m tired.
p.s. I have to go out now but I'll catch up with all the party posts as soon as I get home. Hope you're all enjoying the festivities!
p.p.s. I'm home now and I was just about to set out on my party adventure when I remembered I forgot to post this! You've probably seen it before but I only came across it the other day. Proof, my friends, proof.
Wonderful post!
Thank you for looking at the world through the eyes of children.
Happy Fairy Day, Roisin!
I loved your post! Your pictures are always a treat to behold...and I liked the collages and quotes!
When you get some time, stop by my blog and come dance in the Fairy Ring! :)
i like your collages. you're so talented! happy fairy day to you!!!
Bee-utiful!! Even though you "threw it together" as you say, a lovely post. And are those fairy orbs on your top photos?
Hi my lovely friend Roisin!!!!
Happy Faery day!!!! Nice post with wonderful pictures!!!!
Wow!! The Unicorn is so beautiful and your faeries too!!!!
Your collages are fantastic my friend!!! Very very nice!!!
Hope you have the most wonderful and magical time out there and wish you the most joyful Midsummer Eve my friend!!!
Well, my faery post is a little darker but in a sweet way!!
Pass by my blog whenever you can!! I will be glad!!!
Hugs & kisseeeeees :o))) !!!
Beautiful! Your photos are always enchanting.
And the collages...WOW! I must know where you get your graphics for them.
As for the video, it sure looks like a fairy to me!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sending you pixie dust for your magical fairy party post ^_^
Love your collages too.I am unable to follow you and others because my blog is not showing my followers...sigh. so frustrating!
I am glad I came this way!!!8grin*
Happy Fairy Day! Lot of magic!
lovely and inspiring post!
love the images and the words!
have a very happy fairy day!
uauu linda postagem!
grata pela doce visita da sua fada ao meu blog!
que tenhamos todas boas lembranças desse dia!
Hello there! What a fabulous Fairy Day post! Your photos are magnificent. :) Take care and enjoy the rest of your Fairy Day!!! :)
levei o lindo video para minah psotagem!
grata por compartilhar
Beautiful post! thanks for sharing!
I am participating in tha party too!
thanks for visiting my blog, and celebrating with me..
happy fairies day!!!
oh, and amazing post
Wow..what a super gorgeous post...I am enchanted by all the beauty and magic here...fantastic imagery.... .and love the vid! Thankyou for sharing your enchanting spirit..magnificent!
What a cool party..
Wow...wonderful post, thanks for sharing!!
Hugs :D
Happy Fairy Day!!!
Hello Alice:
Happy Fairy Day!!!
Gracias por la visita.
Tu blog es hermoso!
You asked your wish?Your wishes come true and the fairies be with you.Happy weekend
oh how wonderful and magical this post is. Hugs Sara
what a wonderful party! thanks for inviting me!!!
Beautiful whimsical photos! What a delightful post of fanciful fun!
So pretty! And I'm with you on being home, not hungover and sipping tea. It's the perfect weekend for it! Thanks for inviting me over.
A wonderful Faery post! Your collages are lovely! I love the last one. :0) And the Tree is so awesome!!!
hi thank you for coment in my blog
lovely post, beatifull blog
xxx Natalia from Tucumán Argentina
Thank you for your nice comments on my blog. This party was a new experience for me, and I think it is a great chance to get in contact with 'likesinnede' from all over the world.
I must say I like your blog too, and hope to read more and enjoy your wonderful landscape shots...
Keep in touch ;:OD)
Muy lindo tu post
Un abrazo de hada
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